SAMP Group also on Instagram

Instagram SAMPGroup

We know, it took a little while, but finally we are on Instagram! Come and join us on Instagram for beautiful photos, unique behind-the-scenes pictures and more.

Instagram is our new way of making you aware about our work and trying to give you different points of view on engineering in general.

In the SAMP group Instagram account you will also be able also to admire art photos from the SAMP Award of the previous years. The SAMP Award has been organized in collaboration with “Accademia di Belle Arti” of Bologna. It ran for 3 editions (2006-2008-2012), and for each of them the students of the prestigious art academy were challenged to create their best artworks on a specific topic. The first edition was about gears, the second one on wire and cable and the last edition students had to design a project to decorate a white wall of the new SAMP’s plant in Bentivoglio.

So if you like photography, engineering and art in general do not hesitate to follow us. Do not be passive, use Instagram to communicate with us, sharing your engineering art or suggestion. How to do it? Easy, use #SAMPGroup or #beyondprecision ! We will be happy to share your artworks and take suggestions.

“The whole point of taking pictures is so that you don’t have to explain things with words” – Elliott Erwitt

Click here to access to our Instagram account